PT Adhi Persada Properti adalah perusahaan pengembang yang telah lama bergerak pada sektor hunian, gedung komersial dan pengelolaan properti.

Good Corporate Governance Values

The Company believes that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance will support and improve sustainable business performance as well as a form of the Company's accountability to stakeholders. The Company's commitment is confirmed in the Company's Articles of Association and all ADHI personnel apply GCG practices in the management of the Company as outlined in the Good Corporate Governance (GCG Code) Guidelines.

In implementing the principles of GCG, the Company prepares internal policies which are continuously reviewed for relevance every year in order to see their suitability with the latest conditions of the Company's business environment.


In realizing the Vision and carrying out the Mission, all APP personnel are strongly determined to apply the five basic principles of GCG as regulated in the Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-01/ MBU.2011 dated August 1, 2011 and No. PER-09/MBU/2012 dated July 6, 2012, and released in the General Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance (GCG) issued by the National Committee on Governance Policy (KNKG), namely:

  1. Transparency
  2. Accountability
  3. Accountability 
  4. Independence 
  5. Fairness


In an effort to achieve the Company's vision and mission, APP is very committed to implementing Good Corporate Governance as well as the operational basis for daily activities that apply to all APP personnel, stakeholders, other parties with an interest in the Company and the general public, so as to provide mutual benefits. among others, among others:

1. Provide adequate protection and fair treatment for stakeholders.
2. Providing optimal contribution to improving the Company's performance.
3. Improve and maintain the Company's image through excellent service.
4. Maintain and maintain the Company's assets and resources.